Azure Functions Example
Pre Requisites
- Node.js 8.5 or greater
- Docker running locally
- Azure CLI (or Cloud Shell)
- Azure Functions Core Tools v2
Step 1:
Go to project directory -> example -> azure-functions
After installing the pre requisities, you need to create a project in the above mentioned directory from Azure Fucntions Core Tools in order to create a function.
func init . --docker
With the above command, you will be creating a functions project. Then at the end we will be providing a “–docker” in order to create a Dockerfile along with the initial stage.
If Dockerfile is not created, create the file as below.
FROM microsoft/azure-functions-runtime:v2.0.0-beta1
ENV AzureWebJobsScriptRoot=/home/site/wwwroot
COPY . /home/site/wwwroot
Step 2:
Create a function type accordingly with the following command.
func new
Step 3:
Go to the created function. For me it’s HttpTriggerJS folder -> function.json Change the authLevel to “anonymous”.
Step 4:
Pull the docker image
docker pull microsoft/azure-functions-node8
Step 5:
Go to project terminal and init the file
- Init Functions
clocal function-init <folder>
Azure functions working directory is located in example/azure-functions. You can create a folder inside the location and give the folder location. Then attach the init file where the service starting file. Example:
clocal function-init function-sample
- Start Functions
clocal function-start
- Stop Functions
clocal function-stop